Reference: "old people's home for 4yr olds" Series 2 (ABC TV &iview)
I watched recently 'Old people’s Home for 4-year-olds' on Netflix, which was very heartwarming and inspiring me to write this.
This series addresses Seniors health(mobility) and wellbeing. This TV series shows insight into what it is like being old and how to feel happy regardless of age and body conditions through little helpers.
After 50, we feel ageing more by losing muscle mass so we become less active and feel fatigued often. By 80, we lost 50% of muscles mass. It means we are losing some balance and mobility, which increases the risk of falling.
There are 3 peaks of falling during lifespan.
Young children
Women at menopause
In old ages
The third one is the most serious because fracturing the hip or back by falling can cause serious illness for old people. Also, it affects the confidence of their mobility. This is very understandable that old people are scared of falling so that they don't go out or be active.
The research shows that average seniors stay at home more than 20 hrs per day.
That is okay to take things at your speed and stay home, however, if it stays for a while, the quality of life is declined. - You stop doing what you like doing, don't go out and see people... Your mental health suffers.. and you feel so alone.. then it connects to depression.
Muscles loss can be improved by good nutrition and exercise.
Exercise improves strength, balance and circulation, which means it reduces the risk of a bad injury. Fear of falling often inhibits older people from exercising, however, we have to find reasons to be active. It may not go as plans and bad things might happen. But you must not let it stop you from doing things that make you feel happy.
I found that depression makes people forget how to be happy and what makes them happy.
Let’s move more - the award will be sweet!
Using a walker will give you great balance support and prevent you from falling.
Please make sure your walker is certified with Rollator standard(ISO 11199-2-2005). Currently, it is not mandatory in New Zealand but Europe, Japan and Korea.
This test is confirming the stability and durability of the product. All BC2 walkers have been certified for ISO 11199 and CE.
Let's start with a small challenge. How about more than 1500 steps per day - try to do brisk walking (faster than your normal speed) for 15 mins - It will help your blood circulation and strengthen the heart muscle.
Once you get used to this routine, add 5 mins strength exercise with a small weight.
Exercise and being active will improve your mood, balance and mobility.
It is essential that we find a way to keep ourselves healthy right up to our end of life.